Dangerous Critters: Bears, Mountain Lions, Rattlesnakes & Scorpions
Here in Southern Arizona we have dangerous critters, including bears, mountain lions, rattlesnakes & scorpions. However, as terrifying as an encounter with any one of these beasties can be, people are far more likely to die of hypothermia or dehydration than from any of our most dangerous animals.
Generally, our dangerous critters don’t want anything to do with you. If they can, they will move away at your approach. So, be respectful and give them their space. They were here first.
The following is a sample of our most infamous critters. I mention them, not because I want to frighten you, but because I want you to be aware for your own safety … and theirs.
Yup, we got’em. Not only that, we have at least 5 different kinds. Western Diamondback; Mohave; Tiger; Blacktail; and Sidewinder. I remove a half dozen or so from our yard every spring and summer. I really don’t care what kind they are. They’re just not allowed in our yard. Rattlesnake season is roughly April – November. I am told that the Mating season is June, but I have seen many mating pairs in August. I am told that the birthing season is August, but I have seen many baby rattlers in April. Perhaps they mean mating season. I have seen that in August. Go figure.